Monday, September 21, 2015

Cultural Snapshot: Muslims in Media

When most Americans think of Muslims, they think of men who cause scenes such as this:

The news doesn't necessarily prove them wrong.  One of my Muslim friends pointed out that one of the policemen that was killed in the tragedy at Charlie Hebdo earlier this year was a Muslim who laid down his life for a magazine that had, just the day before, insulted his religion.  However, the only religion that was mentioned was that of the killers.

Terrorists who claim to represent Islam and cause such horrible acts to occur are on the news quite frequently.  Is it any wonder that incidents such as this next one happen?  Much of what Americans know about Muslims comes from these acts of terrorism and they project these ideas onto others of that faith.

Another thing that many people think of when they think of Muslims is the way that they treat their women.  One example of this is a scene from "God's Not Dead" that made my stomach churn.

My roommate showed me this scene from a French movie that showed how many Muslim girls view the hijab.  However, there is still a distinct division of worlds while he sits outside of the mosque-- symbolizing a world that he cannot enter.

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